May 2010

This morning I was on a walk and noticed something very shiny further down the pebble path I was on.  I began to wonder what it could be and tried to get a reference from the large shade tree to mentally mark the spot in order to not miss it when I got to it.

I began to speculate on whether or not it was really something or nothing at all.  As I approached the area, there was nothing on the path…not a bottle cap, piece of glass,  metal coin…nothing!  As I continued to walk and think about how the reflection of the sunlight on a pebble seemed so big and blinding from a distance, I wondered how many times the “what ifs” in our lives turn out to be nothing?  I often overwhelm myself by looking too far ahead and allowing the possibility of obstacles to get me off track or derail me completely.

How many times do our fears turn out to be nothing though?  I would guess 99% of the time our fears never come to fruition.  I waste a lot of time focusing on what might be instead of enjoying what is.  I hope to master the art of focusing on my objective and fully experiencing my surroundings as I enjoy the walk of faith and stop getting distracted by the pebbles of fear.  I’ll do this by taking one day at a time and remembering that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why they call it the present!

Well, here I am…my first blog!  So much to say and nothing to say, all at the same time.  Today I will just say, “hello” and welcome you to my world.  Hope to see you again soon!